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Übersetzungen für cheaply im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This increased the demand for inner city residences, which were readily available cheaply after much of the movement towards central city abandonment of the 1950s.
Each was available in many versions, printed cheaply, and available to all since they did not become superseded.
But while they're busy off-shoring, out-sourcing and generally making things as cheaply and quickly as possible.
A large packet can be bought cheaply, making them a common stand-by gift choice due to the variety of contained chocolates.
This included buying parts from outside suppliers, who could often produce them as cheaply or cheaper.
Although dredging is usually employed to clear or enlarge waterways for boats, it can also recover significant amounts of underwater minerals relatively efficiently and cheaply.
It was possible to purchase these locomotives as surplus material quite cheaply.
Additionally, at least some cheaply made preban absinthes were reportedly adulterated with poisonous antimony trichloride, reputed to enhance the louching effect.
Many new manufacturing techniques were perfected, enabling the city's factories to mass-produce their pens cheaply and efficiently.
Parry built the theatre cheaply, hoping to make handsome profits in compensation when the area was demolished, which was even then in contemplation.

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