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Übersetzungen für coverlet im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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coverlet [ˈkʌvəlıt] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Commercial blankets or woven coverlets were a more economical bedcovering for most people.
The king issued a proclamation in the city that he who was bold enough to go and steal the ogre's coverlet should receive a measure of gold.
She showed him how to sit, and he pushed her into the oven and stole the coverlet.
The upper wing coverlets are white, while its speculum is an iridescent green.
Professional weavers advertised them as fancy coverlets to differentiate them from hand-woven coverlets with geometric patterns.
The sole effect of multifactorial slow-feathering is to reduce length of primary remiges of one day-old chicks without a concomitant reduction of the primary coverlets.
Following the introduction of the jacquard loom in the early 1820s, machine-woven coverlets in large-scale floral designs became popular.
She was immediately drawn to the unique and complex geometric designs stamped on each painstakingly crafted coverlet, quilt or place mat.
These included the rules that the fighters should wear western gloves and cotton coverlets over their feet and ankles.
The museum collects and maintains quilts from the late 1800s and early 1900s in a collection of over 500 quilts and coverlets from the era.

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