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Übersetzungen für cues im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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cue1 [kjuː] SUBST

cue2 [kjuː] SUBST

Beispielsätze für cues

throw cues to sb

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The system also takes cues from the "d20 system".
Such allegations may arise because of incomplete amnesia, disinhibition, and impaired ability to process cues.
Instructing subjects to use self-generated cues (i.e. the context recall technique) will increase recall for participants tested in a different environment.
To overcome these issues, conductors sometimes have an assistant who cues the offstage player, but this can result in miscues or time lags.
According to many testimonies he would do and redo some cues to fit the new editing of a sequence without any protestation.
Cues do not have to be auditory; the act of sitting on the potty itself can serve as a cue, or the sign language for toilet can be a cue.
The campy style of the film is reflected in the score's parody cues.
For example, stressed rats release odorant cues that cause other rats to move away from the source of the signal.
Individuals high in belonging needs are generally more attuned to social cues involving acceptance or rejection.
Its scope has been expanded to account for a number of psycholinguistic processes involved in language acquisition, including arenas, cues, storage, chunking, codes, and resonance.

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