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Übersetzungen für cue im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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cue1 [kjuː] SUBST

1. cue:


cue2 [kjuː] SUBST

cue card SUBST

Beispielsätze für cue

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In addition, they act as sensory organs for detecting the surrounding environmental cues.
This can be achieved by giving the child options to select and other types of cues to follow.
Reinstatement is thought to improve recall as it provides memory retrieval cues.
The cue to go to the ompak is usually given by an increase in speed from the kendhang, often including a change in irama.
Psychologists have also found that women, overall, are more skilled at decoding emotion using non-verbal cues.
It consists of a stick with a grooved metal or plastic head which the cue slides on.
While these cues are important in all individuals, blind children tend to rely on them heavily.
The model breaks down grammar according to cues.
Knowledge stored in lifetime periods contain cues for general events, and knowledge at the level of general events calls upon event-specific knowledge.
In other words, various features of the environment (both internal and external) can be used to help encode the memory, and thus become retrieval cues.

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