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I . cup [kʌp] SUBST

Tennis Masters Cup SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The lid is often yellowish on its lower surface and the same colour as the pitcher cup on its upper surface.
A cup of hot milk tea is usually either served in a ceramic cup (often referred to as a coffee cup) or a tall cylindrical plastic glass.
The organization's motto is substituting the cup that stupifies for the cup that sanctifies.
For ease of pouring, a pitcher, measuring cup, or decanter can be used instead.
She says the goat turned on her hazard lights, drank an old cup of lemonade, and defecated on the seat.
Chances of superheating can increase with repeated heating and cooling cycles of an undisturbed container, like when a forgotten coffee cup is re-heated without being removed from a microwave oven.
She also had three World Cup victories and placed third in the 1982 World Cup overall standings.
The nest is a thin cup of sticks with a layer of bark, grass and wool to create a thick mat.
It is also a place where they can get together and talk over a cup of tea, or shoulder to shoulder as they work.
She is represented by a young woman crowned with an olive branch, with a cup or turtle, or a military ensign in hand.

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