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Übersetzungen für demo im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . demo <demos> [ˈdeməʊ] SUBST

II . demo <demos> [ˈdeməʊ] VERB trans

demo tape SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It featured extended demos of next-generation games, one-on-one interviews, and a more intimate studio setting.
The group played several house shows and recorded one 4-track demo before disbanding in late 1985.
The set includes all their best-known songs, along with rarities like live tracks, demos and outtakes.
No tools are sold at this location but there are occasional shows and cooking demos held at this location.
They received a rating of four out of five and were chosen for demo of the week.
Both of these demos and the single player were combined at that time.
Nevertheless, it is usually described as their official debut album, since their first release was just a self-released four-song demo.
After he left university, he began releasing underground demo mix-tapes to small music shops.
The song's synthesiser and male backing vocal portions also did not change since from the original demo.
The bandmembers started writing instrumental and demo tracks in 2007, and got together in 2008 to work on an album.

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