Englisch » Slowenisch

Übersetzungen für demo im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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I . demo [ˈdeməʊ] ugs SUBST

II . demo [ˈdeməʊ] ugs ADJ

III . demo <-'d, -'d> [ˈdeməʊ] ugs VERB trans (demonstrate)

Beispielsätze für demo

to go on a demo

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The three worked together on refining the song and the final outcome is what is heard on the demo.
Nevertheless, it is usually described as their official debut album, since their first release was just a self-released four-song demo.
They received a rating of four out of five and were chosen for demo of the week.
The group played several house shows and recorded one 4-track demo before disbanding in late 1985.
After he left university, he began releasing underground demo mix-tapes to small music shops.
Two were demoed just two weeks before the recording sessions began.
The band went to record its demo to help find a record label.
The band had recorded its second demo in 1984 while its members were still in high school.
No tools are sold at this location but there are occasional shows and cooking demos held at this location.
Both of these demos and the single player were combined at that time.

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