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Übersetzungen für dint im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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dint [dınt] SUBST


by dint of
by dint of

Beispielsätze für dint

by dint of

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Additionally, many have dints that must be derived from rough handling before firing.
Many students and staff members were drawn to him by dint of his personality, and he was thus able to sustain his legitimacy on the basis of charismatic authority.
Moreover, a new gotra was started by the name of a person who attained the status of a rishi by dint of spiritual accomplishments.
By dint of sheer self-effort to an exalted position.
In the 1960s and 70s, the novel was repositioned into the young adult market, by dint of its animal subject matter.
A law enacted for a purely temporary or local purpose is law, according to him, by dint of public approval.
Subject to careful rehabilitation, this 18th century building has come back to life by dint of a project of a unique nature.
The "5.0" badge on the front guards is so large it must surely affect the 0-100kmh time by dint of aerodynamics or weight.
The toponymic gau may be significant by dint of the historiographical connotations of the name's meaning.
By dint of her respectability, many members of the community testified on her behalf including her family members.

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