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Übersetzungen für dint im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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I . dint [dɪnt] SUBST

1. dint (dent):

Beule f <-, -n>
Delle f <-, -n>

2. dint veraltet (blow):

Schlag m <-(e)s, Schlä̱·ge>


by dint of sth
durch etw Akk
by dint of sth
kraft einer S. Gen

II . dint [dɪnt] VERB trans

Beispiele aus dem PONS Wörterbuch (redaktionell geprüft)

by dint of sth
kraft einer S. Gen

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The toponymic gau may be significant by dint of the historiographical connotations of the name's meaning.
In the 1960s and 70s, the novel was repositioned into the young adult market, by dint of its animal subject matter.
By dint of sheer self-effort to an exalted position.
Subject to careful rehabilitation, this 18th century building has come back to life by dint of a project of a unique nature.
Moreover, a new gotra was started by the name of a person who attained the status of a rishi by dint of spiritual accomplishments.
By this it is clear that he was active by dint of his outstanding bravery brought out by human emotion as regards fear.
He also observed that many people repeatedly returned with the same troubles, even though this could be avoided by dint of education and health counseling.
There are others who are well versed in scriptures and get a good following by dint of their erudition.
The underwriter has the advantage, by dint of drafting the policy terms, of delineating the precise boundaries of cover.
It was in an advanced state of disrepair but, by dint of much hard work, care and attention, they succeeded in transforming it.

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