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Übersetzungen für eco-efficiency im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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eco-efficiency SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Here, technological improvements and eco-efficiency support a necessary reduction in resource consumption.
Even increasing eco-efficiency will not compensate for the damage we are inflicting to the environment through population growth and excessive consumption.
This is often used in conjunction with eco-efficiency and eco-design.
Both eco-efficiency and socio-efficiency are concerned primarily with increasing economic sustainability.
While eco-efficiency aims to improve the effectiveness of material, energy, and land use, eco-sufficiency aims at reducing negative environmental consequences through a reduction of the demand for consumer goods.
This further implies that the more green growth based on the principle of eco-efficiency is successfully pursued, the more environmental pollution it generates.
It was their involvement which catapulted eco-efficiency from a brilliant idea to a workable concept.
Anything less tends to be about eco-efficiency, incrementalism or in the case of social impacts, philanthropy -- nothing wrong with any of that, mind you, just not the same as sustainability.
First, incremental eco-efficiency, which specifies the effects of the total value of a product system or sector and its total concomitant environmental effects.
It provides an opportunity to reduce material and energy consumption per unit of output and so yield improved eco-efficiency.

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