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Übersetzungen für eco-friendly im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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eco-friendly ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The company has used its products to help design eco-friendly homes, including components for windows and doors.
The rolling stock is cleaned daily in an automated washing plant utilizing eco-friendly technology.
All of the projects focus on green building, sustainable design, eco-friendly materials, affordability, material reuse, and humanitarian relief.
It is claimed to be more eco-friendly considering the product's entire life cycle.
Featured projects focus on green building, sustainable design, eco-friendly materials, affordability, material reuse, and humanitarian relief.
In keeping with the organisation's eco-friendly philosophy, the magazine is printed on 100 per cent recycled paper, using vegetable, rather than chemical-based, inks.
In addition to discussions about the right investment model for cleantech, the event also included a showcase of eco-friendly luxury cars and other "green" gadgets.
In 2010, the school was remodeled, and it is now the 3rd most eco-friendly building in the nation.
The company maintains an eco-friendly stance, with a philosophy of, giving back to the community.
Development of eco-friendly development programmes which will not contribute to global warming and environmental desolation.

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