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Übersetzungen für emperor's im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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emperor [ˈempərə] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In the mid-13th century, the citizens emancipated more and more from the emperor's rule.
In the event, however, the emperor's own campaign would result in a humiliating defeat.
By the summer he was appointed colonel and became the emperor's aide-de-camp and chief of his household.
At this point he was hoisted by his own petard: the emperor's paranoia, which he had so ably exploited for his own gain, was turned against him.
While arguing over succession rights, the emperor's children make a deal with a demon which allows them to introduce new, steampunk-styled technology to the world.
While these distinctions were clearly defined during the early empire, eventually they were lost, and the emperor's powers became less constitutional and more monarchical.
He pandered to the emperor's love of magic and theurgy, and by judicious administration of the omens won a high position at court.
He was appointed to oversee financial measures and the court, and to ensure the emperor's personal security and for guarding the safety of the court.
This emperor's posthumous name literally means steady tranquillity.
Against that background, a group of dissident army officers instigated a creeping coup against the emperor's faltering regime.

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