Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für esteemed im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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II . esteem [ıˈstiːm] SUBST

self-esteem SUBST

1. self-esteem:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The little money he earned was from drawing portraits, particularly death-bed sketches, greatly esteemed by country folk before photography.
The flesh, though often eaten by travelers, is not esteemed savory.
Backed by 3 replacement cushion pads, the cutting edge eyelash curler is bustling with a stellar 4.9 stars rating on the esteemed online retail portal.
When a child is valued and esteemed, it increases his chances a hundredfold to be successful in life.
He was esteemed a man of strict propriety and was distinguished as an orator in the house of commons.
He was highly esteemed for his courtesy, gentlemanly bearing, and readiness to communicate his extensive knowledge respecting academic ceremonies and privileges.
The winner of the award is chosen by a jury panel consisting of both high profile public figures and esteemed scientists.
I had many a row with him, but greatly esteemed him.
The latter two were the most esteemed orators of the day.
From 1883 until his death he was honoured and esteemed wherever he went.

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