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Übersetzungen für faults im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für faults

be blind to one's faults

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Their failure to explode on contact was attributed to mechanical faults, plus a healthy growth of barnacles on the contact levers.
Blends of saccharin with other sweeteners are often used to compensate for each sweetener's weaknesses and faults.
Another quirk was that many intermittent faults were due to faulty connectors and could be temporarily fixed by briskly strumming the card handles.
They have focused upon his character faults, his inability to inspire trust and loyalty among his people, his obstinacy, his arrogance, his unaccommodating temper, and his lack of staying power.
The relatively weak impact structure is interpreted to cause a perturbation of the regional stress field, affecting the stability of the rift faults.
The fabric's sunray pleats skim over any faults, while cleverly creating slimming contours on the bust, waist and hips, but it remains demure.
The two remaining motor sledges failed relatively early in the main expedition because of repeated faults.
Softness and vicious temperaments are considered serious faults for the breed.
Soon many construction faults appeared, like spinning after reaching 70 km/h speed, inconstant drive and vertical shakes.
Diamond grinding also removes faults by leveling the pavement surface, thus eliminating the thumping and slapping sound created by faulted joints.

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