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Übersetzungen für gallows im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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gallows <gallows(es)> [ˈgæləʊz] SUBST

Beispielsätze für gallows

be sent to the gallows

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Threatened with death by her outraged father she names the father who is sentenced to the gallows.
Awaiting execution on the gallows, he sees as a trick of the brain the rider return, so that they will ride together till kingdom come.
The execution chamber had two rooms one for final preparations and the second containing the gallows.
He has represented a great man, who changed the face of the world, acting like a scoundrel, worthy of the gallows.
Numerous stories exist of the gallows that were once housed there when the area was characterized by fields rather than housing.
The gallows on which he was hung on is also still seen by visitors; although they were torn down over one hundred years ago.
Gallows are on the stern quarters or there is a stern gantry for operating the otter boards.
Near to the city gallows and as an unprotected site outside the city walls, it was left alone for a long time.
The 62 medieval sites are overwhelmingly defensive structures, particularly mottes, but also including castles, settlements, town defences and a gallows.
However, when authorities attempted to hang him, the gallows failed three times, resulting in his release.

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