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Übersetzungen für galore im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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galore [gəˈlɔː] ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We enter upon rooms that every museum in the land must envy... artistic, historic and prehistoric treasures galore... with such alone is the house adorned.
This and the fact that a great deal of the story has already happened before the hero gets involved, require flashbacks galore.
The performance brought out fans galore from all around who came to watch the legends.
Galore is the story of the saga that develops between these families, full of bitterness and love, spanning two centuries.
From the conduct of academic programs to the dissertation work to the conduct of examination, there are irregularities galore.
It seems clear that his theory raises more problems than it solves and requires ad hoc suppositions galore.
He printed classics galore, but he also went out of his way to encourage young artists.
Granted, its libretto describes a love story with operatic precedents galore.
There is confusion galore with mistaken or changed identities, foolish impersonations and slapstick comedy.
Clubs galore willing to stage them.

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