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Übersetzungen für gentle im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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gentle [ˈdʒentl] ADJ

gentle sex SUBST

gentle sex

Beispielsätze für gentle

gentle with the china
gentle with children

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She later said she took a break because she hated being typecast in roles with a gentle and innocent image.
Additional manual pressure is applied to sustain gentle, prolonged stretches, for example attaining trunk rotation by pressing the opposite shoulder while pulling the knees.
It's gentle, unforced and, despite its flaws, likeable.
The snow melt swells the river to grade 4 in spring; in the summer it is a gentle grade 2.
With herons, they make use of the gentler beaches.
Even in the heat of summer this is a cool and relaxing park due to gentle breezes and shady trees.
She is very gentle and quiet, liking to do things at her own pace.
Do some shoulder shrugs, gentle forward head rolls, and shoulder scrunches to stretch your muscles.
Their trusting, gentle disposition makes them a poor guard dog.
They have gentle humour and great wisdom but never preach.

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