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Übersetzungen für half-length im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Meintest du vielleicht: maxilength , wavelength und focal length

maxilength [ˈmæksıleŋθ] SUBST

wavelength [ˈweıvleŋθ] SUBST

focal length SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She is shown in half-length, which enables the artist to show her hands crossed at her waist.
In early versions just these two figures are usually shown, at half-length or less.
One explanation for his half-length defeat was that he was below his best form having suffered from dental problems in the build-up to the race.
The front entry is flanked by half-length sidelight windows.
The latter was built to a modified design with a second, half-length, hangar deck below the main hangar deck.
It depicts a woman half-length, facing the viewer, with her torso slightly twisted to give a sense of movement.
In an attempt to alleviate the crime situation and extend the service life of rolling stock, half-length trains began running during off-peak hours.
The centre (midpoint) of bounded interval with endpoints and is, and its radius is the half-length /2.
He wore a shirt with half-length sleeves; trousers with shimofuri-pattern.
Each child is shown half-length and viewed from below against the background of a sky.

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