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Übersetzungen für handcart im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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handcart [ˈhændkɑːt] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They push a handcart, reportedly carrying dead bodies, across a street, watched at a distance by an armoured military vehicle.
One of these motorised handcarts was also seen being used by workmen as a means of transportation for themselves and their tools.
The original toll road costs were - motor car 10p, motorcycle with sidecar 2 and 1/2 p, motorcycle 2p, bicycle, horse and handcart 1/2 p.
Other photographs now revealed their own demons: from excessive additions of vibrancy and colour to handcarts, poles and children being erased from images altogether.
Shared handcarts for moving material are kept at locations around the campus.
Parked vehicles, handcarts and residents stand in queue for at least 3 hours, waiting their turn to fill empty vessels, highlighting the worsening water situation.
Labourers could also bulk-add handcart-loads full of easy-to-add items, such as firewood, or even bricks to lengthy projects.
About 1870 he put an internal combustion engine on a simple handcart.
Once there, they had to choose a local handcart and load two 50-pound logs into their cart.
Heavy vehicles except public buses, three-wheelers, two-wheelers, bullock carts, handcarts and pedestrians are prohibited from using the freeway.

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