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Übersetzungen für handcuff im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . handcuff [ˈhændkʌf] SUBST

II . handcuff [ˈhændkʌf] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

His hands were bound by plasticuffs, a type of secure plastic handcuff similar to a cable tie or zip tie.
He was one of the first magicians to have practiced a stage escape from handcuffs.
Only one fan actually was able to climb the posts, and when he was pulled down, he was maced and handcuffed.
She's also efficient at throwing handcuffs and subduing her target.
These energy handcuffs were generated by her mutant power, but she may have needed the suit to focus it.
The objective of this match was for a wrestler to handcuff another wrestler to the cage, until there was only one left.
Ties and handcuffs that permitted mobility were preferred to straitjackets.
During her arrest she allegedly kicked an officer and resisted being handcuffed.
Convicts of the nobility, along with female commoners, might be sentenced to the imposition of handcuffs or a fine.
They were shown escorting a criminalone detective was handcuffed to the man while the other was holding both umbrellas.

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