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Übersetzungen für harpsichord im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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harpsichord [ˈhɑːpsikɔːd] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The lute courante may be a transcription of a lost harpsichord piece.
This artist, who from the tenderest age made a name for himself among harpsichord players, may today be ranked among the most able composers.
At first glance the larger "sonomtre" resembles the keyboard of a harpsichord, with its dark and light keys.
Finally, he was among the first major keyboard composers in history and the first to focus equally on both harpsichord/clavichord and organ.
He also is very good at playing a harpsichord, despite the loss of his hand.
The creation of the tangent piano, and the fortepiano, was a result of an attempt to remedy the lack of dynamics in harpsichord sound.
They were an important force in increasing the popularity of the harpsichord.
Also, he learned to play the harpsichord and violin.
In the early days, she sometimes received top billing, and she was noted as an excellent harpsichord player and fortepianist.
Most western instruments fall into the second group, but the piano and harpsichord fall into the first.

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