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Übersetzungen für harpsichord im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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harpsichord [ˈhɑ:psɪkɔ:d, Am ˈhɑ:rpsɪkɔ:rd] SUBST


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The keyboard vamps in 3/4 while the harpsichord overlays that in 6/8 and every fourth bar is in 4/4.
Also, he learned to play the harpsichord and violin.
According to harpsichord maker and scholar, such hammers have their origin in 15th-century paper organ pipe technology.
A number of contemporary builders and players have reasserted the superiority of bird quill for high-level harpsichords.
The creation of the tangent piano, and the fortepiano, was a result of an attempt to remedy the lack of dynamics in harpsichord sound.
The pieces can nevertheless be played on any single keyboard, such as a harpsichord or fortepiano.
Finally, he was among the first major keyboard composers in history and the first to focus equally on both harpsichord/clavichord and organ.
It was written for the harpsichord and is usually performed on that instrument, though other keyboard instruments may be used.
The work was probably created for a harpsichord, but there are numerous recordings with other instruments, notably with piano and organ.
It is possible that the standard harpsichord mechanism, with jacks holding plectra mounted on retractable tongues, may only gradually have won out over alternatives.

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