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Übersetzungen für high-powered im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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high-powered ADJ

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It was powered by 2 high-powered watch batteries, which supplied the device enough energy for approximately 30 hours of use.
A submersible camera with an affixed, high-powered flood light was deployed to record images below the surface.
The mine has a revolutionary mining method in which high-powered soundwaves are used to dig through clay containing diamonds.
Workers also climbed on the roof and used steam and high-powered hot-water hoses to melt snow.
Its products include high-powered direct-to-home broadcast satellites, commercial weather satellites, digital audio radio satellites and spot-beam satellites for data networking applications.
At its simplest, it is a very high-powered magnifying glass, with very short focal length.
Buck is expected to drive a high-powered car around an oval track and fly a biplane.
The cameras utilize high-powered strobes (typically red, near infrared or infrared) with matching filters to record the reflection from the markers placed on the body.
Now the police use modern tactical clear plastic shields and now deploy high-powered water cannons to minimize civilian injuries.
At least one high-powered audio transmitter used water cooling for the microphone.

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