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Übersetzungen für homebuyers im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The homebuyers program gives low-interest loans for downpayments for first-time homebuyers earning less than 80% of the area median income ($45,100 per year for an individual in 2010).
An additional concern relates to homebuyers' receptiveness to maintaining the sustainable communities.
The province is also doubling the first-time homebuyers' maximum land transfer tax refund to $4,000 and is introducing its carbon cap and trade system.
Prospective homebuyers who want to escape a purchase contract should turn first to the agreement itself.
First-time homebuyers who don't have a big cash down payment may find a starter home in these places, especially if they wait until after the busy spring and summer season.
First-time homebuyers pay no city land transfer tax on the first $400,000 of the purchase price.
First-time homebuyers are the targets of the scheme.
It offers affordably priced fixed-rate mortgages through several mortgage programs for eligible homebuyers.
Many of these homebuyers took out adjustable-rate mortgages during the period of low interest rates in order to purchase the home of their dreams.

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