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Übersetzungen für hypermarket im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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hypermarket [ˈhaıpəˌmɑːkıt] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are large regional shopping malls anchored by multiple department stores and hypermarkets.
The stores ranged in size, the hypermarkets between 660000sqft m2 and 117000sqft m2, and the discount supermarkets between 31000sqft m2 and 70000sqft m2.
Until 2009 you could find and buy cars at hypermarkets.
It operates both hypermarkets and its express format as well as a home delivery shopping service.
Retail marketing systems in western countries have broadly evolved from traditional street markets through to the modern hypermarket or out-of-town shopping center.
The shopping center will include four underground (parking and a hypermarket of approx. 5,600 m) and four above ground levels with retail and entertainment.
The company experimented with hypermarkets which combined the discount grocery and merchandise concepts under one roof.
The food distribution structure includes wholesalers, retailers (hypermarkets, supermarkets, cooperatives, small businesses, convenience stores), institutions and associations.
Recent developments like sewage, natural gas pipeline grid and proximity to new major hypermarkets accelerated that process.
The mall comprises low rise formats, entertainment, hypermarket and home anchor, spa, fitness and wellness centre.

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