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Übersetzungen für identified im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Additionally, 16% of pupils received special education services and 1% of pupils were identified as gifted.
Specific cases may be investigated more closely if a preventable cause has been identified.
The search and recovery effort identified three main areas of wreckage underwater.
We want identified funding to tackle climate change mitigation.
After these were extracted and identified, a reddish residue remained, which was sparingly soluble in organic solvents.
Although not as frequent as halogen-oxygen interactions, halogen-nitrogen and halogen-sulfur contacts were identified as well.
The homeowner contacted cops, and the two young girls described in the sick note were identified as children who used to live in the trailer park.
Recipients are identified by their mobile phone number instead of bank details such as sort code and account number.
Instead, the striations, which were previously reported shatter cones, are identified as ventifacts created by wind erosion in sandstones.
Once the type of conflict is identified, the process consultant then helps the group work through the steps required to break the impasse.

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