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Übersetzungen für immersed im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für immersed

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Beginning in 1992, the artist retreated from artistic production and immersed himself into the passion which will form great themes in future works, sailing.
The seeds are first immersed in water for five days, in milk for two days followed by their boiling in milk.
Their axis is at right angles to that of the succeeding turn, in the first of which they are slightly immersed.
While attending college he also immersed himself in the music genre, taking charge of classical programming at the mixed-format radio station which the university sponsored.
They spend some time there in the garden, immersed in pleasant exchanges.
The small whorls of the protoconch are almost completely immersed in the first of the succeeding volutions.
During rainy season the temple gets immersed in water.
Since nearly all the events take place off-campus, each character becomes immersed in an entirely new world.
The whorls of the protoconch are wholly immersed in the first of the succeeding turns, above which only a portion of the bust two project.
The whorls of the protoconch are almost completely immersed in the first of the succeeding volution.

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