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Übersetzungen für imperil im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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imperil <imperil(l)ed; imperil­(l)ing> [ımˈperıl] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Because of its narrow habitat requirements and small geographic range, this species is considered imperiled.
It is the future of the students, not the future of the parents, that is imperiled by today's decision.
It has been imperiled a few times by fires at the refinery.
This choice is usually only available if the damage does not immediately imperil a vast portion of the ship's company and occupants.
When the freedom of libraries is imperiled, we librarians will work together and devote ourselves to secure the freedom.
In a number of her films, she had been imperiled by the threat of rassenschande (racial pollution).
The tribe had also not said that the outdoor use of their lands by non-members would imperil the subsistence or welfare of the tribe.
His powers would often backfire if his doghouse was inadvertently removed by outside forces or accident, imperiling friend and foe alike.
Then, universities could muster the courage to attack the monopolies that always imperil civilization.
If a petition presents information that the species is imperiled, a screening period of 90 days begins (interested persons and/or organization petitions only).

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