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Übersetzungen für imperil im Englisch » Russisch-Wörterbuch

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imperil <Brit: -ll-, Am: -l-> [ɪmˈperəl] VERB trans form

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The setting itself can be imperiled by the evil of the story, suffer a calamity, and be restored by the transformation the story brings about.
His powers would often backfire if his doghouse was inadvertently removed by outside forces or accident, imperiling friend and foe alike.
Due to their narrow habitat associations, a great number of these species occur in extremely limited geographic areas, and are accordingly imperiled by habitat destruction.
However, throughout the majority of its distribution, especially in the northern region, many states have it classified as critically imperiled.
In a number of her films, she had been imperiled by the threat of rassenschande (racial pollution).
Climate change and a booming human population with its needs and demands on resources, and rapid economic development are imperiling the ecosystems that sustain us.
This choice is usually only available if the damage does not immediately imperil a vast portion of the ship's company and occupants.
The pursuit quickly veers out of control, as innocent bystanders are imperiled.
As well as being a bad deal for most merchants, he argued, it imperiled the company's long-term prospects.
Open barrens are now rare and imperiled globally, as suppression of wildfires has allowed larger climax forest vegetation to take over in most one-time barrens.

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