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Übersetzungen für ingrained im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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ingrained [ınˈgreınd] ADJ

▶ ingrainedly ADV

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Its use in some areas has been so ingrained that entire cultures will not eat any vegetables or fruits unless they are thoroughly cooked.
Far from all didactical claim, political, economical or social considerations, the works included in this series record essentially the artist's impressions, feelings and recollections ingrained in his youth.
His mendacity is so ingrained and pervasive, it seems, that he'll even lie about himself.
The rivalry is now so ingrained that for many gachos and portoalegrenses blue is the opposite color of red, much like in video game culture.
A real label, but one in which the proprietor's personality was very much ingrained.
Many physical practices have ingrained spiritual values in them.
Despite having traditionality ingrained in her personality, she took part in modern art.
As this practice became ingrained into modern western culture, it has taken on the simple role of a final warning before a photograph is taken.
These cultural ideologies deem overall health to be ingrained in supernatural forces that relate to universal balance and harmony.
Further, he often stated that it was inconceivable to think that an ingrained human social system such as public schooling was easily reformed.

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