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Übersetzungen für investments im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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investment [ınˈvestmənt] SUBST

Beispielsätze für investments

She tied up her cash in long-term investments.

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Initial capital outlays included investments in technology (hardware and software), web design and printing costs for promotional materials.
We note also that in a carbon-constrained financial market, ongoing investments in coal carry significant stranded-asset risk and potential downside for national economies dependent on returns from coal mining.
Main investments in the bio-energy subsector existed in the areas of production, are transportation, storage, distribution, sale, marketing and exportation.
As a result of several investments made in the 1998 fund, prior to the collapse of the dot-com bubble, performance in that fund was affected.
Life insurer failures, which are fairly uncommon, can be triggered by misjudging their obligations, not just their investments.
It remains unclear what the total effect of computerization is on the relationship between investments and profits.
When thinking of investments in a high-level construal, people tend to engage in more risk taking behavior.
The measure was intended to remove what was seen as legal uncertainty discouraging wind energy investments.
These non-traditional sources of conservation capital include debt-financing, emerging tax benefits, private equity investments, and project financing.
Accordingly, IAS assists financial institutions in developing a business segment for financing of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy investments.

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