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Übersetzungen für musket im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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musket [ˈmʌskıt] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This increased the typical effective range of a musket from about 50 yards to several hundred yards.
The barrel of a musket was usually smooth bore.
The cuirassiers reached the crossroads but were driven back by close range artillery and musket fire.
A vicious close range cannon and musket duel ensued, the two ships hidden by smoke as the battle continued elsewhere.
Efforts were made to standardise equipment, but many units used a variety of musket and sabre patterns.
This allowed the infantry soldier to fire his musket without the need for the front rank to kneel.
Moreover, the new musket required less iron and it turned out to be cheaper to mass-produce.
The order was given to fire and the barracks square filled with musket smoke.
There were other purposes: the "close-order drill" was a particular cadence count for the complex sequence of loading and firing a musket.
It ignited 4,000 prepared charges, which in turn ignited of black powder and 1,000,000 musket cartridges.

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