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Übersetzungen für muslin im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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muslin [ˈmʌzlın] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Each piece of scenery had to have a muslin case for shipping, keeping the finish from marking and affecting the other pieces of scenery.
Devotees prepare rice and potatoes, tied in muslin cloth, to offer at the shrine by dipping them in these hot water springs.
Down stairs are long, cool-looking parlors, simply and tastefully furnished, with muslin curtains at the many windows looking out on the wide piazza.
It consists of sugared mango pulp, which is passed through muslin to remove fibrous strands of the fruit.
Large ceramic vessels are cleaned with delicate vacuum cleaner with a soft, muslin-covered head.
Smooth sheets of paper were pasted over the painted surface of the panel, and a layer of muslin over that.
These porch areas were continuously expanded with furniture and muslin mosquito nets.
The overdress is typically made from printed cotton or chintz, although it can be made from other materials such as lightweight wool, silk and muslin.
The compacted curd is collected in a piece of muslin before being divided in two and placed in molds.
The sewer cuts muslin pieces using the same method that they will use for the actual garment, according to a pattern.

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