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Übersetzungen für nestle im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für nestle

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Today the town is known for its stately homes nestled between centuries-old live oaks and two championship golf courses.
It is nestled in a canyon of oak-thickets, with steep hills covered by chaparral on both sides.
This both prevents the host species from realizing their nest has been parasitized and reduces competition for the parasitic nestling once it hatches.
Nestled at about 1800 ft above sea level, this spot is 56 kilometres away from the city's railway station.
The town is nestled on the bay opposite the airport.
It is a very picturesque town nestled among mountains and valleys.
The park features a rustic campground with some of the sites nestled in the dunes along the lake shore.
Park roads, trails, and facilities are carefully nestled within the original farm and woodland setting.
The birds start arriving in groups for the nestling season.
A male villager who was making his way to hunt rabbits over the hills saw the little puppies nestling peacefully.

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