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Übersetzungen für non-union im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Unions blamed management for underinvestment in capital improvements, and management blamed unions for demanding exorbitant pay, benefits, and strict limits on non-union subcontracting.
T feels that it does all the hard work which both union and non-union members benefit from.
Salaries of unionized workers also fell relative to non-union workers.
Bosses and other non-union employees were pressed into service to run the trains until temporary replacements (i.e., strikebreakers) could be hired on.
It is often used as a term relating to any show with non-union actors.
The court also ordered the union to provide employees to the company, and in default, the company was able to use non-union labour.
The tower became even more of a controversy when the developer hired non-union workers to build the tower.
He and his band developed their music career through playing at non-union establishments, due to being unable to join the local musicians union.
Non contractors refused to cart for the storekeepers and went on strike rallying against non-union rates.
This work focused primarily on rights-based conflict resolution between union and non-union workers and their managers.

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