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Übersetzungen für non-union im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch

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non-ˈun·ion ADJ inv

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The tower became even more of a controversy when the developer hired non-union workers to build the tower.
Failure of initial union, for example when bone fragments are separated by soft tissue may also lead to atrophic non-union.
It is often used as a term relating to any show with non-union actors.
After arthrodesis, non-union, in which fusion of the trapezium bone with the metacarpal bone fails, occurs in 8% to 21% of the cases.
Thus, union members may end up subsidizing non-union members.
Thousands of armed soldiers protected non-union labour and arrested strike leaders.
The provision requires non-union employees to pay a fair share fee to cover the costs of the union's collective bargaining activities.
Non contractors refused to cart for the storekeepers and went on strike rallying against non-union rates.
Most papers operated on a shoestring budget, pasting up camera-ready copy on layout sheets on the editor's kitchen table, with labor performed by unpaid, non-union volunteers.
Deregulation led to cutthroat competition and the growth of new non-union carriers.

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