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Übersetzungen für offered im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Another is to perpetuate population growth because immigration is part of the quid pro quo offered ethnic minorities in exchange for votes.
The "tire pressure differential" strategy offered the disadvantage that owners and mechanics could inadvertently but easily re-introduce oversteer characteristics by over-inflating the front tires.
An alternative program is still offered for those students who require it.
In addition, it offered central government finance aimed at encouraging further communes to join together in intercommunal structures.
He met the family in the front room and offered up the bag filled with her old shirts and long johns.
Most undergraduate courses offered have no first year entry requirements, and there are no quotas for most courses.
Secondary schools offered four-year general education programs or four-year vocational and professional programs, including industrial, agricultural, pedagogic, trade, arts, and health tracks, among others.
Doing so would neutralize that player, preventing him/her from earning any exemptions offered in that round.
It also takes the right kind of medical intervention, like that offered at a rehab facility.
Also, scholarships offered by universities and government do exist, and low-interest loans are available.

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