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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some contended an absolute minimum temperature occurred within earth (as one of the four so-called elements), others within water, others air, and some more recently within nitre.
Sections have been discarded when no longer applicable (as laundry, shorthand) but others are adopted and integrated (as youth creative arts and crafts and flower arranging).
He envied it for others, but he couldn't claim it for himself.
The mouth is slightly arched; there are five papillae across the floor with the outermost pair smaller and set apart from the others.
Usually referred to as a teachers' union its membership also includes college faculty, public school custodians, bus drivers, and paraprofessionals, among others.
She also kindled his desire to help others, to contribute to charitable projects including public health and medicine.
Her telepathy allows her to read minds and project her thoughts into the minds of others.
She is similarly oblivious to the needs of others and thereby often comes off as self-centered and tactless.
Despite being a trouble maker, he is passionate boy willing to help others.
Some of these are glass, and others have spinel and pyroxene.

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