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Übersetzungen für panders im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Of course, pleasing everyone all the time isn't music making; it's pandering.
But that does not mean that we will pander to their self-appointed leaders.
Amongst third party activities, pandering or procuring is "koppleri".
She suggests that one reason mainstream media outlets do this is to pander to a predominantly male audience.
He wrote that twenty years of pandering to entrenched interests had dampened productive investment.
She sang beautifully for more than a quarter century, she sang great music, and she never bowed or pandered to public taste.
The band was accused of pandering to the mainstream that many punk/new wave bands at the time were actively rebelling against.
The verb to pander is also used in a more general sense to suggest active or implicit encouragement of someone's weaknesses.
Pander is credited as the first scientist to describe primitive creatures known as conodonts.
It is just pandering to it and thereby distracting attention and funds away from artists trying to make fresh, quality, art with their own hands.

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