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Übersetzungen für pistol im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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pistol [ˈpıstəl] SUBST

Beispielsätze für pistol

cover sb with a pistol

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Along with the wildcat, the pistol has added more of a college playmaker aspect to the professional game.
Alternate variants featured skeletonized pistol grip made of metal and a top-folding shoulder stock, also made of metal.
Pistol shrimp produce this effect in a very similar manner.
At the first step or note of music, the timekeeper will fire a timing pistol to designate the official start of post-inspection judging.
Viper is a short recoil operated, locked breech pistol with rotating barrel.
Have successfully completed a pistol safety training course 5.
Baker suspects a ruse and pulls open the monk's robe, revealing a pistol.
The pistol grip and trigger mechanism were attached to the rear half of the launcher.
The pistol is also fitted with an automated trigger safety.
This recall was issued because the pistol may fire even if the safety is on or when the safety is moved to the on position.

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