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Übersetzungen für potentialities im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für potentialities

have enormous potentialities

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Essentially, genes provide proclivities and potentialities continuously involving feedback mechanisms with the environment throughout life, but especially during prenatal and early childhood.
These young citizenry should be self-dependent, self-willed, self-sacrificing and self-conscious of their country's problems and potentialities.
There are then potentialities as well as actualities in the world.
These potentialities enable systematic, directed problem-solving, and the generation of variety and complex strategies.
They said that they had been neglected and no one had taken any interest in their potentialities.
Now, each thing has certain potentialities as a result of its form.
His narrative technique is one that attempts to portray all events and characters in constant flux and instability but also moving through all potentialities.
The multiple and numerous potentialities of this field are applicable to the diagnosis of diseases such as cancer, and neurological and cardiovascular diseases.
The 300 adjectives correlate to 24 scales: 15 scales assessing needs or wants; and 9 scales assessing attributes, potentialities, and role characteristics.
Should have experience with a firing battery and know potentialities and limitations of particular type of artillery involved.

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