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Übersetzungen für potentiality im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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potentiality [pəˌtenʃıˈælıtı] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Should have experience with a firing battery and know potentialities and limitations of particular type of artillery involved.
The soul is the substantial form and so the first actuality of a material organic body with the potentiality for life.
This virtual is a kind of potentiality that becomes fulfilled in the actual.
The 300 adjectives correlate to 24 scales: 15 scales assessing needs or wants; and 9 scales assessing attributes, potentialities, and role characteristics.
It is not conscious so it is neither active nor passive and harbors no potentiality for transcendence.
That is why it has been a symbol of the non-manifested, unlimited potentialities and the transcendence.
These parameters are used as indicators of material super plastic potentiality.
This creativity or virtue ("de"), in humans is the potentiality to transcend the given conditions and act wisely and morally.
In the process he hoped to demonstrate the versatility and potentiality of his instrument to orchestral conductors, his fellow musicians and the general public.
Actuality is the fulfillment of the end of the potentiality.

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