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Übersetzungen für qualifications im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für qualifications

They supported the plan with certain qualifications.
There is some question about his qualifications.

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Those that want to become a teaching assistant often come from nursery backgrounds, and have qualifications in childcare.
Youths marginalised in society participate in intensive contemporary dance training, which in turn offers them educational qualifications and useful life skills.
In this manner over a period of time a part-time student can in addition to obtaining valuable qualifications and certification build towards a degree.
The women's moguls qualifications began in unfavourable weather conditions with rain, sleet, and slushy conditions on the course.
It may be that we have to seek other qualifications in our workforce, but that's the reason for a pilot test like this.
Others in paid positions may hold qualifications relevant to the field.
The list of appropriate qualifications is determined by the at the behest of the FCA.
The requires that every person who is appointed to the public service has met the essential qualifications and requirements established for the position.
Such people carry the least risk for lenders because their qualifications tend to increase their earning power.
The study further showed that people with degrees or post-graduate qualifications can and do believe in the possibility of miraculous healing.

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