Englisch » Chinesisch

I . ration [ˈræʃən] SUBST

2. ration [常作复数] MILIT:

transnational cor­po­ration [trænzˈnæʃənəl ...] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Modern concepts like propaganda were first used to boost production and maintain morale, while rationing took place to provide more war materiel.
In doing this they also had to implement rationing so that the consumption of domestic crops would be lowered.
The financial markets were destabilised, causing a severe economic crisis that led to rationing.
In the worst kind of energy crisis energy rationing and fuel rationing may be incurred.
Within months, he had introduced food-grain rationing in the state, a system which has continued with minor modifications to this date.
The city had been under strict rationing (only a few hours of running water on alternate days) since.
The women supported the war effort, and made the rationing of consumer goods a success.
Soon all restaurants closed, food rationing became the only way to save lives, money became obsolete.
By the mid-1980s rationing of over seventy items had been eliminated; production of consumer goods had increased, and most items were in good supply.
Gasoline rationing proved an even better way to allocate scarce rubber.

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