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Übersetzungen für regretful im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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regretful ADJ

Beispielsätze für regretful

be regretful for what one has done

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A bit regretful, she thinks hard about how to make the last name count.
We are deeply regretful for the pain this ad has caused and apologize to the many who have been rightly disturbed by it, as have we.
He therefore added the plot about a regretful scientist trying to stop developments from ever occurring.
She was regretful about leaving the series and called it her favorite television experience to date.
She's really bitter and regretful, mourning for the life she has lost.
She is, however, apparently regretful of what she has done to her brother, though this, coupled with their unhealthy relationship, is gnawing more and more at her already unbalanced psyche.
Tanner is a very regretful person, he has the ability to interfere with a plane's navigation system making it crash.
He is regretful about his criminal past, having stolen a car to repay gambling debts.
More than a third, on the other hand, felt regretful or disappointed, and others reported feeling nervous or uncomfortable as well.
He commented that attempts to prejudge audience or critical reaction could lead to a safe but regretful production.

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