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Übersetzungen für regretful im Englisch » Slowenisch-Wörterbuch

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re·gret·ful [rɪˈgretfəl, re-] ADJ

to be regretful about sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Although the song is effectively about a man's ruin through drink, it is upbeat and celebratory rather than regretful.
More than a third, on the other hand, felt regretful or disappointed, and others reported feeling nervous or uncomfortable as well.
He almost never intends to hurt anyone, and whenever his pranks go too far, he is always very regretful.
He gets very regretful and tries to show her how deeply he cares for her.
He is regretful about his criminal past, having stolen a car to repay gambling debts.
We are very regretful that we did not check these accusations before broadcasting them.
He therefore added the plot about a regretful scientist trying to stop developments from ever occurring.
Lotus is regretful but says that dying is better than living.
She is, however, apparently regretful of what she has done to her brother, though this, coupled with their unhealthy relationship, is gnawing more and more at her already unbalanced psyche.
At first everyone is shocked and regretful, but realizing their newfound power at their new size, the gang decide to take over the town.

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