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Übersetzungen für seller's im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This results in a system of conveyancing where buyers get their survey done before making a bid through their solicitor to the seller's solicitor.
Sometimes the seller's idea of a reasonable discount for cash isn't as large as the cash buyer thinks it should be.
The annualised growth in value (after inflation) was 12.06%, or 11.74% after seller's commissions.
It's very much a buyers' market at the moment and auction purchasers are not looking to pay a premium for a seller's goodwill.
Additionally, a broker may be required to cover a short seller's position at any time (buy in).
Rush seats on sale the day of the game produced a throng that caused the ticket seller's glass to break.
Unique selling proposition (USP) is largely formulated from the seller's perspective.
I felt inept for having suggested the wrong pairing and annoyed by the wine seller's hairsplitting choosiness.
While the closing balance-sheet adjustment may be the most common approach in the current market environment, the locked box mechanism can be the preferred route from the seller's perspective.
The median real estate commission charged to the seller by the listing (seller's) agent is 6% of the purchase price.

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