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Übersetzungen für seller's market im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But it's still a seller's market for the most desirable homes in many cities.
The drop in supply and increase in demand for homes pushed the sales-to-inventory ratio further into seller's market territory to 54%.
The balanced market still gives you some price appreciation, but the seller's market gives you the stronger one.
It's a seller's market, where the talent level is rather more thin than in past seasons, especially among potential starting pitchers.
But other factors are playing into today's seller's market, including growing consumer confidence and an educated generation of buyers.
It's a seller's market for writers with distinctive voices and showrunners with experience.
This lack of inventory coupled with strong demand pushed the sales-to-inventory ratio to 56%, deep into seller's market territory.
The 2015 market morphed into an extreme seller's market, with vendors in the eastern suburbs landing the biggest gains.
Plus the fact that there are more buyers than sellers makes it a seller's market.
I have come to the conclusion that immigration is becoming much more of a buyer's market than a seller's market.

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