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Übersetzungen für shop assistant im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

When a shop assistant believes that the person may be under 21, then they will ask the customer to prove that they are over 18.
Upon leaving school at 16, she worked as a shop assistant and trained as a piano tuner.
After leaving school, she took an apprenticeship as a shop assistant.
Before her involvement in politics she has worked as shop assistant, cashier, economic secretary, accountant and as economic chief.
She worked as a hairdresser, shop assistant and saleswoman.
The scam was to switch genuine twenty-pound notes with fake ones, and then exchange those fake ones for genuine tens with a shop assistant.
At the age of 9, he started working at a bookstore for his uncle, first as a courier and later as a shop assistant.
Is the law the same if a shop assistant borrows money from his employers till, intending to replace it when his ship comes in?
She started working as a shop assistant in a big department store, selling gloves.
She used to be the youngest, prettiest shop assistant in the hat shop.

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