Englisch » Chinesisch

Übersetzungen für snitch im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . snatch [snætʃ] SUBST

II . snatch [snætʃ] VERB trans

2. snatch:

▶ snatcher SUBST

I . stitch [stıtʃ] SUBST

II . stitch [stıtʃ] VERB intr, trans

II . switch [swıtʃ] SUBST

I . ditch [dıtʃ] SUBST

I . hitch [hıtʃ] VERB trans, intr

2. hitch ugs → hitchhike

II . hitch [hıtʃ] SUBST

2. hitch:

Siehe auch: hitchhike

hitchhike [ˈhıtʃhaık] VERB trans, intr SUBST

I . bitch [bıtʃ] SUBST

1. bitch:

3. bitch:

witch [wıtʃ] SUBST

I . twitch [twıtʃ] VERB trans, intr

2. twitch (at):

snipe [snaıp] VERB intr (at)

1. snipe:

snide [snaıd] ADJ

I . sniff [snıf] VERB intr

2. sniff (at):

II . sniff [snıf] SUBST

sniper [ˈsnaıpə] SUBST

snivel <snivel(l)ed; snivl(l)ing> [ˈsnıvəl] VERB intr

▶ snivel(l)er SUBST

batch [bætʃ] SUBST

II . Dutch [dʌtʃ] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Often, prisoners would choose to become a snitch to get away from their tormentors.
After the seeker floor the seekers are released and may run off pitch to search for the snitch.
Fear of being labelled a snitch or rat prevented her from going to the police.
The snitch is worth 30 points, and its capture ends the game.
This helps when there is a dispute about who caught the snitch first.
The game is won only after the snitch has been caught cleanly, and the team that caught the snitch is awarded 30 points.
Only seekers may make advances towards the snitch or the snitch runner, and no forceful contact with the snitch runner is allowed.
The game is ended once the snitch is caught by one of the seekers, awarding that team 30 points.
Other than that minor snitch, the movie is quite entertaining.
She actually believes that neighbors should start snitching out neighbors, and we should be deporting people.

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